All Hands Community

All Hands Consulting is an emergency management consulting firm with a long history of supporting the greater emergency management community of partners and practitioners.  We launched an information sharing portal, the “All Hand Community” website in the late 1990’s and continued until a few years ago when we determined that social media was changing the way our community members look to network and share information.  To stay current with the times, we embraced social media and began to use Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to network with other emergency management professionals and the community.


  • @AllHandsDotNet is our All Hands Community Twitter account that we started in 2009 before there was a #SMEM hashtag. All Hands Dot Net shares information on emergency management, homeland security, crisis management, and continuity of operations.
  • @AllHandsEM is our corporate Twitter account.
  • @UrbanAreas Tweets about the Urban Areas Security Initiative (#UASI) and Homeland Security in general.

Facebook: Our All Hands Consulting Facebook page shares stories of interest on emergency management, homeland security, and business continuity topics as well as updated about our consulting activities.LinkedIn: The All Hands Community on LinkedIn is a virtual gathering of emergency management, homeland security, and continuity consultants and professionals. Networking here is a great way to share information and exchange ideas with each other to the betterment of the emergency management consulting profession.All Hands also support three other Linked Groups:


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All Hands Consulting