All Hands Consulting has created a proprietary Emergency Management Maturity Assessment (EMMA®) designed to review and evaluate emergency management and resiliency program capabilities across various industries. EMMA assesses compliance with emergency management and resiliency best practices and industry standards. This assessment enables the development of metric-driven action plans to address identified gaps and deficiencies within the program effectively.
The guide/report produced by this project will Identify, categorize and subdivide the variety of hazards which influence the comprehensive emergency planning process. The local program will be built on actual threats and capabilities rather than speculation. Capabilities, shortfalls, and recommendations are indicated. The report/study produced by this project will Identify, categorize, and subdivide the variety of hazards which influence the comprehensive emergency planning process. Outline the step-by-step process (using easily filled out forms) used to develop the comprehensive hazard / vulnerability analysis. Indicate capabilities, shortfalls, and recommendations. Provide a single, easy to follow consolidated hazard assessment guide and workbook for local or state officials.
We map 68 Hazards through a probability, vulnerability, severity, and consequence analysis. AHC then ties those back to the Planning, Organization, Equipment, Training, and Exercise capabilites to mitigate impacts form those hazards. This is compiled into a report and is also available virtually on an online tool.

Report Content:
Part One, The Community At Risk: Jurisdictional data; Hazards identification (natural, technological, civil / political); Geographic / demographic features; Risk map / risk calendar; Primary and secondary effects.
Part Two, Community Analysis: Impact (people, property, economy, and environment); Resources required (human and equipment); Agencies impacted (emergency, non-emergency, volunteer).
Part Three, Community Capabilities: Shortfalls; Proposed remedies; Benefit / cost.
All Hands Consulting is uniquely qualified to provide Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) services having conducted over 10 THIRAs in Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) cities and counties and for other emergency management programs nationally. All Hands was the first in the nation to conduct a THIRA and the THIRA we did in 2012 for Baltimore was noted by FEMA as an exemplar for others to follow. Our process closely follows FEMA’s Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 201, Third Edition released September 2021. In addition, we use the identified threats and hazards in setting capability targets for each core capability identified in the National Preparedness Goal as required in Presidential Policy Directive (PPD) 8: National Preparedness. These core capabilities are typically assessed using the State Preparedness Report (SPR) assessment tool.
We have significant relevant experience based on previous projects:
- Conducting THIRAs on a regional and county level.
- Conducting and producing a Capabilities Estimation on state, county and regional levels.
- Working with local governments and stakeholder partners.
- Conducting workshops, interviews, stakeholder meetings, planning sessions, analysis review meetings and THIRA sessions to include interviews, plenary and workshops.
All Hands offers a variety of risk assessment and analysis services to assist in determining your organization’s vulnerability to various risks. Using a thorough vulnerability analysis process, threat assessments, and periodic site reviews, All Hands is able to quantify vulnerabilities of your facilities, personnel, and operations. By partnering with All Hands, you reduce costs by putting our collective knowledge base and our expert team of emergency management experts to work for you.
Other Assessments
All Hands offers a variety of assessments from Fire Life Safety, Physical Security, Personnel Security, Social Vulnerability etc. We utilize an online platform to display results to our clients which build upon each other for continuous improvement and inventory of countermeasures and other mitigation measures.
All Hands offers a variety of assessment and analysis services to assist our clients in determining an organization’s security and preparedness posture based on the vulnerability to specific threats and the effectiveness of current security activities. Through threat assessments and periodic site reviews, All Hands is able to discover new and existing vulnerabilities to your facilities, personnel, and operations. By partnering with All Hands for ongoing assessments, you reduce costs by putting our collective knowledge base and our expert team of security and emergency management experts to work for you.
All Hands can also provide threat assessment training and terrorism prevention training for your staff.