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Emergency Action Plan

Our comprehensive service is designed to assist organizations in developing, implementing, and validating effective emergency action plans (EAPs) to mitigate risks and enhance emergency preparedness. We provide a holistic approach that includes plan development, employee training, and realistic exercises to ensure readiness to respond to a wide range of emergencies.

Key Features:

  1. Risk Assessment and Plan Development:

    • Conduct a thorough risk assessment of your facility or organization to identify potential hazards and vulnerabilities.
    • Collaborate with key stakeholders to develop customized emergency action plans tailored to address specific risks and contingencies.
  2. Employee Training Programs:

    • Deliver engaging and interactive training sessions for employees on their roles and responsibilities during emergencies, including evacuation procedures, emergency communication protocols, and personal safety measures.
    • Provide specialized training for designated emergency response teams (ERTs) on incident management, first aid, fire suppression, and other relevant skills.
  3. Tabletop Exercises and Drills:

    • Design and facilitate tabletop exercises and drills that simulate various emergency scenarios, allowing participants to practice response actions and decision-making in a controlled environment.
    • Incorporate realistic simulations, role-playing exercises, and debriefing sessions to enhance learning outcomes and identify areas for improvement.
  4. Multi-Hazard Preparedness:

    • Develop comprehensive EAPs that address a wide range of potential hazards, including natural disasters, technological emergencies, medical emergencies, and security incidents.
    • Ensure alignment with relevant regulatory requirements and best practices in emergency management and occupational safety.
  5. Plan Maintenance and Review:

    • Provide ongoing support in maintaining and updating EAPs to reflect changes in organizational structure, facilities, or emergency response protocols.
    • Conduct periodic reviews and revisions of EAPs based on lessons learned from training and exercises, as well as emerging threats or vulnerabilities.


  • Enhanced Safety and Preparedness: Our services help organizations establish clear procedures and protocols for responding to emergencies, minimizing risks to employees, visitors, and assets.
  • Improved Employee Awareness: Through targeted training, employees gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to respond effectively to various emergency situations, reducing panic and confusion during critical moments.
  • Compliance and Liability Reduction: By implementing comprehensive EAPs aligned with regulatory requirements, organizations demonstrate their commitment to workplace safety and reduce the risk of legal liability associated with emergency incidents.
  • Organizational Resilience: By practicing response protocols through realistic exercises, organizations enhance their ability to adapt and recover from emergencies, ensuring business continuity and minimizing disruption to operations.


  • Customized emergency action plans
  • Training materials and resources
  • Tabletop exercise scenarios and facilitation
  • Post-exercise reports and recommendations

Let us help you strengthen your organization's emergency preparedness and response capabilities with our comprehensive EAP development, training, and exercise services. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can support your needs.

Welcome to our Business Continuity Planning expertise at All Hands Consulting, where our approach is not just about creating plans but fostering a collaborative and comprehensive strategy. When engaging in Business Continuity Planning (BCP) and BCM Plan Development, we adhere to a meticulous five-phase project plan that ensures a resilient and adaptive preparedness strategy. Here's a closer look at our approach:

  1. Business Impact Assessment (BIA): We commence with a thorough Business Impact Assessment, working closely with your organization's staff to understand the intricacies of your operations. This phase lays the foundation for identifying critical business functions, assessing vulnerabilities, and determining the potential impact of disruptions.
  2. Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Development: Building on the insights gathered from the BIA, we collaboratively develop a robust Business Continuity Plan (BCP). This plan is not just a document; it's a tailored strategy outlining clear procedures and protocols to ensure the continuity of essential business functions during and after disruptive events.
  3. Staff Training: Recognizing the pivotal role of personnel in effective continuity, we prioritize staff training. Our approach involves equipping your team with the knowledge and skills necessary to execute the BCP seamlessly. This ensures a coordinated response and enhances overall organizational resilience.
  4. Business Continuity Plan Validation: Drills and Exercises: Practical validation is key to the effectiveness of any plan. We facilitate drills and exercises that simulate real-world scenarios, allowing your team to test the BCP in a controlled environment. This phase serves as a valuable learning experience and helps identify areas for refinement.
  5. Program Effectiveness Evaluation & Monitoring: Our commitment doesn't end with the development and validation of the plan. We implement an ongoing evaluation and monitoring process to assess the effectiveness of the entire Business Continuity Program. This iterative approach ensures that your organization remains adaptable to evolving risks and challenges.

Why Choose All Hands Consulting:

  1. Collaborative Partnership: We believe in collaboration. Our approach involves working closely with your organization's staff, leveraging their insights, and tailoring solutions that align with your unique needs.
  2. Proven Methodology: The five-phase project plan is a proven methodology that we have successfully implemented across diverse industries. It ensures a systematic and thorough approach to Business Continuity Planning.
  3. Continuous Improvement: Preparedness is an ongoing process. Our commitment to continuous improvement means that we actively seek feedback, monitor program effectiveness, and adapt strategies to enhance overall resilience.

Our comprehensive workplace violence and active shooter service are designed to help organizations mitigate the risk of workplace violence through proactive planning, employee training, and realistic exercises. We collaborate closely with your team to develop tailored strategies, provide relevant training, and conduct exercises that simulate potential scenarios, ensuring readiness to respond effectively to workplace violence incidents.

Key Features:

  1. Risk Assessment and Planning:

    • Conduct a thorough assessment of your workplace to identify potential risk factors and vulnerabilities related to workplace violence.
    • Develop customized workplace violence prevention and response plans tailored to your organization's unique needs and operational environment.
  2. Employee Training Programs:

    • Offer engaging and interactive training sessions for employees at all levels, covering topics such as recognizing warning signs, de-escalation techniques, emergency response protocols, and post-incident support.
    • Provide specialized training for managers and supervisors on handling sensitive situations, implementing crisis management strategies, and supporting affected employees.
  3. Policy Development and Implementation:

    • Assist in the development and implementation of workplace violence prevention policies and procedures, including reporting mechanisms, threat assessment protocols, and disciplinary measures.
    • Ensure alignment with relevant regulatory requirements and best practices in the field of workplace safety and security.
  4. Tabletop Exercises and Drills:

    • Design and facilitate tabletop exercises and drills that simulate various workplace violence scenarios, allowing participants to practice response actions and decision-making in a controlled environment.
    • Incorporate realistic simulations, role-playing exercises, and debriefing sessions to enhance learning outcomes and organizational preparedness.
  5. Incident Response Support:

    • Provide on-site support and guidance in the event of a workplace violence incident, assisting with communication, coordination with law enforcement, and post-incident recovery efforts.
    • Offer post-incident debriefings and follow-up services to assess response effectiveness, identify lessons learned, and implement corrective actions as needed.


  • Enhanced Safety and Security: Our proactive approach helps organizations identify and address potential threats of workplace violence, fostering a safer and more secure work environment for employees.
  • Empowered Employees: Through targeted training and exercises, employees gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to recognize warning signs, respond effectively to threats, and support one another during crisis situations.
  • Compliance and Liability Reduction: By implementing comprehensive workplace violence prevention measures, organizations demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements and reduce the risk of legal liability associated with incidents of violence.
  • Organizational Resilience: By practicing response protocols through realistic exercises, organizations build resilience and agility in their ability to manage and recover from workplace violence incidents, minimizing disruption to operations and preserving reputation.


  • Workplace violence prevention and response plans
  • Training materials and resources
  • Tabletop exercise scenarios and facilitation
  • Post-exercise reports and recommendations

Let us help you strengthen your organization's preparedness and response capabilities to mitigate the risk of workplace violence. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our tailored services.

All Hands Consulting are experts at identifying interdependencies and program gaps. We can facilitate supply chain risk assessments and capabilities reviews to ensure that your organizational supply chain continues to operate an intended.

All Hands Consulting provides various Corporate Preparedness Planning services that facilitate the development and delivery of comprehensive emergency management services. Using site data and graphics, information is made readily available to school, hospital, industry and government response officials to aid in making strategic and tactical decisions for real-time incidents such as a chemical release, a bomb threat, or intruder incident.

The AHC approach is based on case studies and disaster research conclusions. The plan and procedures will provide research based strategies and guidelines to accomplish evacuation or shelter in place operations.