Development of Community Emergency Management Core Programs
The All Hands project approach for the development or enhancement of a community emergency management program (CEMP) is a comprehensive effort, which includes eleven discrete items. These services may be provided sequentially, concurrently or separately based on client requirements. Training related to the development or enhancement of an emergency management program can also be provided. In addition, we can conduct workshops or other training for local governments related to the development or enhancement of emergency management programs and strategic plans.
Work Products
A. Conduct a comprehensive Hazard Vulnerability Assessment (HVA). The HVA will:
- Identify, categorize and subdivide the variety of hazards that influence the comprehensive emergency planning process.
- Be built on actual threats and capabilities rather than speculation.
- Identify capabilities, shortfalls, and recommendations for improvement.
B. Develop a comprehensive Mitigation Plan and Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS). This effort will include:
- Survey of Mitigation Projects and Initiatives
- Identification of Hazards.
- Develop Local Mitigation Strategy
C. Develop a Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) or Emergency Operations Plan (EOP).Working for and in close coordination with the Emergency Management Coordinator, we will provide administrative, research, planning, and publishing services to include, but not limited to:
- Review of the existing CEMP, EOP and other related documents.
- Determine and recommend additional operational components and schedule of emergency function annexes, or emergency support functions (ESFs).
- Develop emergency function operational component matrix.
- Identify and interview key personnel.
- Revise and reformat CEMP or EOP annexes.
- Revise the Basic Plan.
- Disseminate draft of plan, receive comment, and revise accordingly.
- Produce final draft.
- Recommend future work products.
- Assist the Emergency Management Coordinator with presenting completed plan to local officials for approval
D. Develop an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) organization, EOC manual, and staff action guides for each position.
- Develop the EOC Organization, EOC Manual, and Staff Action Guides for each EOC Position using the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) organization as contained in the CEMP Basic Plan.
- Establish EOC operating procedures.
- Develop staff action guides (SOPs) for each EOC staff position.
E. Develop a Continuity of Operations (COOP) and Continuity of Government (COG) program.
- Review existing plans, orders of succession
- Conduct Risk Assessment
- Conduct High-level Business Impact Analysis (Define business requirements determine RPO & RTO)
- Conduct Technology Assessment
- Conduct Business Strategy Review
- Draft the Continuity Plan (to include technology map, IT Plan, business requirements, and linkage to business areas)
- Develop COOP/COG Plan
- Present the COOP Plan and Determine Next Steps
F. Design an outline for agency response Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). Agencies fill in their specific tasks for each responsibility found in the CEMP.
- Encourage departments, agencies, and organizations to write Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
- Develop a complete listing of all departments, agencies, organizations who have identified responsibilities in the basic plan and emergency support functions.
- Include a sub listing of the responsibilities for each organization.
- Develop a format for SOPs.
- Provide each organization with their lists of responsibilities.
G. Review Basic Plan.
- Determine what other functions require SOPs, such as EOC, Emergency Information, Emergency Finance, etc.
- Ask each organization to develop a SOP/checklist for each responsibility. (e.g., a list of action steps to be performed to ensure that the responsibility, if called upon, is carried out.)
H. Develop Field Operating Guides (FOGs) for disaster responders based on the Incident Command System (ICS), “pocket guides” will be produced for each type of disaster responder (based on CEMP emergency function schedule).
I. Perform Emergency Management Program Review
- Using the nationally accepted Capability Assessment for Readiness (CAR) guidelines, complete an emergency management program review. Results are used for strategic planning.
- Work with the Emergency Management Coordinator to develop a program profile to identify the current status of the program.
- Produce a report which will identify program areas needing immediate (first year) development, updating, or improvement, and those elements to be accomplished during the second year, and so on.
J. Develop a three-year Strategic Plan
- Evaluate current status of the local program to include hazard/risk assessment, capability assessment, current trends and conditions.
- Establish a “blueprint” for a comprehensive emergency management based on local/state needs.
- Develop strategies for local/state/ performance partnerships.
- Develop a one to five year work plan to improve emergency management (based on a self evaluation questionnaire). Accomplish goal setting and management by objectives; Implement multi-year strategic/work planning.
- Document progress, measure performance yearly (or by month/quarter).
K. Train Emergency Management staff on all above work elements.
- Work closely with Emergency Management staff.
- Provide training and information on all work elements.