Navigating Among the Trees®
Set in a nearby park or some of the nation’s most interesting backcountry, our one-half to four-day programs provide an excellent opportunity to learn, hone, or self-evaluate one’s practical navigational skills and insights.
Basic Half-Day Workshop
Our basic half-day in-the-park program is a great way to take the mystery out of map and compass tools and get you started on an exciting time navigating the local trails or more distant terrain. Compasses, maps, and a mini-field guide are provided for participants, but one should dress for an afternoon in the park. No prior knowledge is required, though many with experience find this a good review.
Basic GPS Half-Day Workshop
Our basic half-day in-the-park GPS workshop is a great way to learn the basics of using this excellent navigational tool to supplement your map and compass. We also cover which GPS is best suited to your needs. All navigation equipment is available for use during the course, though you are most welcome to use your own. One must have basic map and compass skills for this workshop.
Other General Courses and Workshops Include
Our full-day basic navigation plus workshop features additional hands-on components and background material, including: map selection for trip planning; time, distance, and terrain evaluation, and introduction to off-trail navigation.
Our two-day intermediate workshop includes practical night and low visibility navigation insights and skills as well as more route choice and travel safety practice and principles for on- and off-trail navigation.
Other Special Courses and Workshops Include
Our full-day GPS workshop features additional hands-on components and background material, including: efficient waypoint and route management; optimizing your GPS for field and map; reliability insights; introduction to mapping software; and enhancing your GPS confidence for travel, trail, or backcountry use.
Our two-day intermediate GPS workshop includes: practical night, low visibility, and featureless terrain hands-on training; altimeter/GPS synergies; additional electronic map/GPS experience; and making the most of your GPS navigational tool.
Our four-day field camp workshop affords an excellent outdoor learning adventure, with two nights being spent in the outdoors. While this is offered for biking, x-c skiing, and kayaking, our most popular focus is our hiking/basecamp program.
Our specialized training for search and rescue, fire rescue, teachers, writers, as well as custom training for individuals or teams needing enhanced navigational skills is also available.